Les Adjectifs III Adjectives

Normally adjectives follow the noun they describe. This isn't the case for all adjectives.

  la grande ville the large city le petit general the small/short general
  le bon curé the good priest une jolie femme a pretty woman
  les hauts murs the high walls le mauvais Dr. Moreau The evil Dr. Moreau
  le gros morceau de gâteau the big/fat piece of cake

Once you hear the language enough you will get a feel for when an adjectives come before or after a noun. Sometimes the meaning of an adjective changes depending on it's placement.

  un ancien élève a former student ma propre cuisine my own kitchen
  un village ancien an old village ma cuisine propre my clean kitchen
  ma chère mère my dear mother le pauvre homme the unfortunate man
  un légume cher an expensive vegetable l'homme pauvre the poor man

The following are all irregular. The archaic masculine form has fallen into disuse, however it is still used in front of masculine nouns that begin with a vowel or silent h.

Masculine un beau livre
a beautiful book
le nouveau conseil
the new advise
un vieux piège
an old trap
Archaic Masculine le bel oiseau
the beautiful bird
un nouvel échec
a new failure
le bon vieux temps
the good old days
Feminine la belle montagne
the beautiful mountain
la nouvelle année
the new year
une vieille plaie
an old wound

  C'est la première fois que je vis seul. This is the first time that I'm living alone.

Now would be a good time to study the Out of this World Verbs.

The infinitive (l'infinitif) is displayed at the top of each verb's conjugation table. Besides serving to identify a verb, it is employed whenever the tense or the person of the subject need not be indicated. This is the case when verbs are strung together. The first verb marks the tense and person. The infinitive is used for the second.

  Elles vont bientôt finir . They (women) are going to finish soon.
  Il veut être courageux. He wants to be brave.

or when a verb follows a preposition.

  Il faut être discipliné pour finir les devoirs. One must be disciplined to finish homework.

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