
Information Questions

quand when
pourquoi why
combien how much/many
comment how
que, quoi what
qui who

The simplest way to form a question is to take a declarative sentence and replace a noun with one of the interrogative pronouns listed above. This form is informal, unless the replaced noun was the sentence's subject.


Tu as payé vingt-cinq francs ? You paid 25 francs?
Tu as payé combien ? You paid how much?

Vous venez quand nous voir ?
When are you visiting us?

Francine cache l'argent où ?
Francine hides the money where?

Qui m'appelle ?
Who is calling me?

When the interrogative pronoun replaces the noun and its position does not change, use quoi as opposed to que.

Ils servent à quoi ?
What are they used for?

Tu aimes manger quoi ?
You like eating what?

After the exchange, the interrogative pronoun is often moved to the front of the sentence. When doing this, inverting the subject and verb is the norm in formal contexts such as writing. Not inverting the subject and verb is very informal.

Combien as-tu payé ?
How much did you pay?

Quand visitez-vous Nantes ?
When are you visiting Nantes?

Où Francine cache-t-elle l'argent ?
Where does Francine hide the money?

Comment vont-ils le résoudre ?
How are they going to resolve that?

Use que as opposed to quoi when the pronoun has been moved to the front of the sentence unless a preposition comes before it. Neither que or quoi can act as the subject of the sentence. Instead use qu'est-ce qui which we will cover shortly.

Qu'aimes-tu manger ?
What do you like eating?

À quoi sert-il ?
What is it used for?

De quoi vous avez peur ?
What are you scared of?

Est-ce que

When the interrogative pronoun appears at the beginning of a sentence, it often is immediately followed by est-ce que. This is common in both formal and informal speaking styles.

Combien est-ce que tu as payé ?
How much did you pay?

Quand est-ce vous visiterez Nantes ?
When are you visiting Nantes?

Où est-ce que Francine cache l'argent ?
Where does Francine hide the money?

Comment est-ce qu'ils vont le résoudre ?
How are they going to resolve that?

Qui est-ce qui, Qu'est-ce qui , Qui est-ce que

Que and qui are unique in that they can act as the subject of a question. When they act as an object within the sentence, continue to attach est-ce que, but when they act as a subject attach est-ce qui.

Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec ça ?
What are you doing with that?

Qu'est-ce qui cause le hoquet ?
What causes hiccups?

Qui est-ce qui m'appelle ?
Who is calling me?

Qui est-ce que tu aimes ?
Who do you love?

Qu'est-ce que tu attends ?
What do you expect?

Which one

  Singular Plural
Masculine lequel lesquels
Feminine laquelle lesquelles

Voici deux chemins.

Lequel devons-nous prendre ?
Nous devons prendre lequel ?
Lequel est-ce que nous devons prendre ?

Here are two paths.

Which one should we take?

Which, What

  Singular Plural
Masculine quel quels
Feminine quelle quelles

Quelles preuves as-tu de sa culpabilité ?
What proof do you have of his guilt?

Quels sont les serpents les plus venimeux de l'Asie ?
What are the most venemous snakes of Asia?

Quels sont tes secrets pour draguer les femmes ?
What are your secrets for picking up women?


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