The City - Continued
Kota - Lanjutan
downtown pusat kota
suburbs pinggiran kota
countryside pedesaan
urban perkotaan
rural pedesaan

neighborhood lingkungan
neighbor tetangga

corner pojok, sudut
block blok

Let's go to the bakery on the corner.
Ayo kita pergi ke toko roti di pojok.

It's just around the corner.
Tidak jauh.

I saw the mysterious woman out of the corner of my eye.
Aku melihat wanita misterius itu dari sudut mataku.

The restaurant is three blocks that way.
Restorannya tiga blok ke arah sana.

library perpustakaan
museum museum

I checked out the complete works of Shakespeare at the library for some light weekend reading.
Aku memeriksa karya lengkap Shakespeare di perpustakaan untuk bacaan ringan akhir pekan.

mayor wali kota
city hall balai kota
post office kantor pos
town square alun-alun
park taman

Meet me at the town square at 5 o'clock.
Temui aku di alun-alun jam 5.

stairwell ruang tempat tangga
banister pegangan pada tangga

If you go up the stairs and turn right, you'll find the restroom.
Jika Anda naik tangga dan belok ke kanan, Anda akan menemukan toilet umum.