Hunger and Thirst
Aclıq və susuzluq & yemə-içmə
hunger aclıq
hungry ac
starving ac
appetite nush olsun
famine aclıq
diet pehriz
fast tez
to starve aclıq çəkmək

They are hungry.
onlar acdir

We're starving.
biz chox aciq

He has an insatiable appetite.
O doymaz iştaha var.

I'm full.
men doluyam

She's on a diet.
o pehriz saxlayir

They're going to fast until sundown.
Onlar sundown qədər sürətli olacaq.

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
eleki men ac oldum ati yeyerem

Talking about food is making my mouth water.
Qida haqqında danishanda mənim ağızimin suyu axir. <br>

to bite yemək
to chew çeynəmək
to nibble çırtlamaq
to swallow udmaq

She didn't have much of an appetite and just nibbled on her carrots.
O, daha bir iştah və yalnız öz yerkökü nibbled yox idi.

to devour devour
to stuff oneself özünü mövzusu
to gobble up udmaq
to wolf down canavar aşağı
gluttony gluttonny

We wolfed down our meal.
Biz yemək aşağı wolfed.

The cookies were gobbled up in less then 5 minutes.
Bu cookies az sonra 5 dəqiqə qədər gobbled edilmişdir.

Do you mind if I finish off the oatmeal?
Mən yulaf off başa Əgər ağla edirsiniz?

thirst susuzluq
thirsty susuz
sip qurtum
gulp udum
to sip qurtum
to gulp udum

I'm thirsty
Mən yanğılıyam

He finished his drink in a single gulp.
O, bir udum onun içki tamamladı.

The water quenched my thirst.
Su mənim susuzluq quenched.

We sipped the hot chocolate by the fire.
Biz yanğın isti şokolad içildi.