Disease and Symptoms
Penyakit & Gejala
flu virus / influenza virus
germ kuman
bacteria bakteri
virus virus

flu flu
cold batuk pilek
pneumonia pneumonia
cancer kanker
tumor tumor
aids AIDS
chicken pox cacar air
food poisoning keracunan makanan
diabetes diabetes

My daughter came down with the chicken pox.
Anak perempuan saya sakit cacar air.

My sister got food poisoning when she ate at that restaurant.
Saudara perempuan saya keracunan makanan ketika dia makan di restoran itu.

contagious menular
infection infeksi
to transmit menularkan
to infect menginfeksi

I don't want to catch a cold! *
Saya tidak ingin batuk pilek!

*'catch' is normally used with contagious illnesses like the flu and cold


I'm feeling a little under the weather.
Saya merasa agak kurang sehat.

vaccine vaksin
to vaccinate memvaksinasi
immune system sistem imun
immunity imunitas

Have you been vaccinated against the swine flu?
Apakah Anda sudah divaksinasi flu babi?

allergy alergi

Kyle is allergic to peanuts.
Kyle alergi kacang.

epidemic epidemi

The flu epidemic of 1918 killed between 50 and 100 million people.
Wabah flu tahun 1918 menewaskan antara 50 hingga 100 juta orang.

Symptoms Gejala
fever demam
headache sakit kepala
chills meriang
photo by smashmirrorcardboardface - (CC BY-ND 2.0)
to shiver menggigil
to sneeze bersin

Have you ever sneezed three times in a row?
Pernahkah Anda bersin tiga kali berturut-turut?

-bless you
bless you

to cough terbatuk
cough batuk
a fit of coughing terbatuk-batuk
runny nose pilek
congestion tersumbat

my nose is stopped up
hidungku tersumbat

sore throat sakit tenggorokan
dizziness pusing
vertigo vertigo

I'm feeling kind of dizzy.
Saya merasa agak pusing.