Mental Health
Salud mental
crazy loco
craziness la locura
insane demente
insanity insensatez
insane asylum el manicomio
mental breakdown crisis nerviosa
neurosis neurosis
neurotic neurótico

I've been feeling kind of depressed lately.
Últimamente me he sentido un poco deprimido.

If you talk about your super powers they're going to put you in an insane asylum.
Si hablas de tus súper poderes, te van a meter en un manicomio.

She's not crazy. She just experiences a different reality than us.
Ella no está loca. Está viviendo una realidad diferente a la nuestra.

My roommate is driving me crazy.
Mi compañero/a de piso me está volviendo loco.

depressed deprimido
stress el estrés