Disease and Symptoms
Malalties i símptomes
flu virus / influenza virus
germ microbi (m)
bacteria bacteri (m)
virus virus (m)

flu grip (f)
cold refredat (m)
pneumonia pneumònia (f)
cancer càncer (m)
tumor tumor (m)
aids sida (f)
chicken pox verola (f) borda
food poisoning intoxicació (f) alimentària
diabetes diabetis (f)

My daughter came down with the chicken pox.
La meva filla està passant la verola.

My sister got food poisoning when she ate at that restaurant.
La meca germana es va intoxicar menjant a un restaurant.

contagious contagiós
infection infecció (f)
to transmit contagiar
to infect infectar

I don't want to catch a cold! *
No vull agafar un refredat!

*'catch' is normally used with contagious illnesses like the flu and cold


I'm feeling a little under the weather.
Em trobo un poc mal.

vaccine vacuna (f)
to vaccinate vacunar
immune system sistema (m) immunitari
immunity immunitat (f)

Have you been vaccinated against the swine flu?
Ja t'has vaccinat contra la grip porcina?

allergy al·lèrgia (f)

Kyle is allergic to peanuts.
Kyle té al·lèrgia als cacauets.

epidemic epidèmia (f)

The flu epidemic of 1918 killed between 50 and 100 million people.
L'epidèmia de grip del 18 matà entre 50 i 100 milions de persones.

Symptoms símptomes (m.pl.)
fever febre (f)
headache mal (m) de cap (m)
chills refredat (m)
photo by smashmirrorcardboardface - (CC BY-ND 2.0)
to shiver tremolar
to sneeze esternudar

Have you ever sneezed three times in a row?
Has esternudat mai tres cops seguits?

-bless you

to cough tossir
cough tos (f)
a fit of coughing un atac (m) de tos
runny nose nas (m) ple de mocs i que raja
congestion congestió (f)

my nose is stopped up
tinc el nas tapat

sore throat gola (f) inflamada
dizziness mareig (m)
vertigo vertigen (m)

I'm feeling kind of dizzy.
Tinc un xic de vertigen