Interactive Reading Help

Why can't I hear Sound?
It could be that the default media player isn't installed on your system. Go to preferences and select your preferred media player. You might need to download a media player (There are download links on the preference page).

Mozilla / Firefox browers will use quicktime as the media player by default (at least on windows and on the Mac). In order for the scripting to work, Quicktime must be installing after the browser has been installed. If it has already installed, it must be re-installed.
Maneuvering within the sound Track?
Once the sound is playing you can jump backward or forward, a sentence at a time, by pressing the left or right arrow keys. When you pause the reading, the sentence that is being read will be selected. Once paused, if you press the left and right arrow keys, the selected sentences changes. When you hit play, the sentence that is selected will be played.

To start the sound track from the beginning, hit the 'a' key. Pressing any of the number keys will move the sound track back that amount of time. For example, if you hit the '2' key, the sound track will jump back 2 seconds.

You can also click on the indention that marks new paragraphs. The sound will begin playing at that location.

Viewing Definitions and Translations
The most challenging words are marked in 'blue'. Hover the cursor over these words and their definition will appear (If you feel that we've missed some of the chalenging words, please let us know). Translations are provided in some texts. If that is the case, the punctuation marks are blue. Place the cursor over these punctuation marks and the translation should appear (If you think you can improve upon the translations, please consider becoming a volunteer).

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