

Beginners Guide - Guide pour Débutants

  1. Subject Pronouns (Pronoms Personnels Sujets)
  2. Nouns, Articles (Noms, Articles)
  3. Adjectives, Degree (Adjectifs, Degré)
  4. Possession, This / That (Possession, Ceci/Celà)
  5. The Body, Location (Le Corps, Situation)
  6. Simple Present (Temps, Présent)
  7. Present Progressive (Présent Progressif)
  8. Future, Past (Futur, Passé)
  9. Speak, Talk (Parler, Discuter)
  10. Adverbs, Understand (Adverbes, Comprendre)
  11. Object Pronouns, Do (Pronoms compléments)
  12. Say, Tell (Dire, apprendre)
  13. Comparisons (Comparaisons)
  14. Comparisons II (Comparaisons II)
  15. Yes / No Questions (Questions)
  16. What? Which? (Quel? Quel/Lequel?)
  17. Who? Whose? Why? (Qui? A qui? Pourquoi?)
  18. How? (Comment?)
  19. Origins, Where? When? (Origines, Où? Quand?)
  20. Location, The City (Localisation, La Ville)
  21. Live, Survive (Live, Survive)
  22. Go, Come (Aller, Venir)
Voix: Amy Gottlieb, Colum Morgan, Yesencia Garcia, and Anastasia Coon
Traduit par Cathy Davies, Elodie Thiery, Frédéric Chotard, Souraya Ahmada, Marie-Noelle Moiner

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